Metallic structure projects
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Arezzo (Crugnola S.r.l. - Ansaldo Tecnitalia S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Pisa (Saporiti S.r.l. - ABB Alstom Power S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Accam S.p.A. Busto Arsizio (VA) - linea 2 (Comef Carpenteria S.r.l. - T.T.R. S.r.l.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Cremona - Linea 2 (Saporiti S.r.l. - Aster S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Falascaia (Versilia) - (Comef Carpenteria S.r.l. - Termomeccanica S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of fluidized bed waste heat boiler
Impianto incenerimento R.S.U. Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - linee 2 e 3 (Ansaldo Tecnitalia S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler
Cartiere Miliani S.p.A. - Fabriano (Comef Carpenteria S.r.l. - S.T.C. Atel S.p.A.)
Support and service steel structure of economizer for waste heat boiler
Impianto di pirolisi e cogenerazione Tecnocentro S.r.l. - Terni (Comef Carpenteria S.r.l.)
Support and service steel structure of waste heat boiler